One guywantedto rememberhow toplaywithlittle carson thefloorin the living roomwhenhe was little.The problemwas as follows:no longertoy cars.So Ithoughtto tryarealcar.Watchthe moviebelowto see whatI'veseen:Driftin the living room!
Did you knowthat millions oftreesare plantedin errorbysquirrelswhobury theirpeanuts,nutsoracorns,and thenforgetwheretheyplaced.Sosquirrelsprotectsnatureof'mistake'and we do notsucceedeven ifwe try...
Remember the movie with teenagers who wallow on the floorwhen theyheardthat there are notickets toJustinBieber?It seems thatone of themnotso easytogive upher dream.The childtook hisvirginityfor saleonFacebookfora ticket to thelong-awaitedconcert byJustinBieber.
"My virginity for a concert ticket to Justin Bieber," wrote the minor whose name is not released on her Facebook account. I wonder when I come back when they sell their bodies for a picture of Justin Bieber. This world is becoming worse!